Saturday, 24 January 2015

Imagine a fathomless dark endless ocean , an expanse of seemingly infinite water in staggering volumes. For instance the total area for all the worlds’ oceans is by area, 361,9000,000 km 2 and by volume 1,335,000,000 km 3. Big in other words, very big. And in an ocean a turtle is swimming and doing whatever turtles do to pass the time as they glide through the depths, maybe thinking of lady turtles or where his next meal will come from. Now we don’t know if it is a 900kg leatherback measuring up to 200cm, or one of its smaller brethren, but definitely a turtle. Well, anyway there it is swimming along minding its own business, dreaming of whatever turtles dream of, whilst at the same time somebody unknown to us, and for reasons unknown, too, chooses to throw a life preserver into the water, whether it is an emergency, we know not, just for fun, possibly or simply for the stimulation of seeing something rubbery floating on the ever moving sea, we simply do not know. And at that very exact moment, that very same second, whilst bobbing about on the boundless Main, our turtle, which just happens to be passing, pokes his or her head out of the briny and finds a life preserver wrapped around its scrawny neck. We are talking very, very, very slim odds.
The     These are the odds of you or I being born so enjoy your weekend!


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