Wednesday, 16 July 2014

...and then there are the towels. There are towels for football clubs, cartoons, the latest hit on Nickelodeon or simply very bad taste. There are the scanners, whether male or female, the sit aor stand and search all the time like the Terminator, swinging baack and forth in the hope of an admiring glance in their direction. The individual hardcore tanner, oiled and minimally dressed, or undressed to the legal limit, in search of their hit from the sun.
The young males who have been to the gym and find it physically impossible to walk with thier arms next to their bodies, and women ho constantly preen themselves like the vainest of peacocks strutting their stuff to the full.
Then we have the familiy groups, squawking, running, arguing and eating, always eating and chattering like a flock of birds on LSD.

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