Sunday, 3 January 2016

Swallow the pillows

Be careful with language as it can lead to terrible mistakes. For instance the simple phrase, '' You should swallow the pills'', becomes potentially deadly when translate as '' You should swallow the pillows''. Be careful!

Post McFat Nirvana

After McFat nirvana was reached. A trendy little bar selling drinks and healthy food was reached. The most flavoursome juices, ginger, spinach and apple and a myriad of other ingredients. Salad. Fresh with beans and spinach and lentils and, and, well fresh, healthy and very, very tasty.
The staff even glowed with health and sunny smiles. Delicious!

Sweet smell of burning fired fat

Yesterday hunger pangs fell upon us in the shopping centre. On the way to nirvana we passed the area set aside for McFact and a few other fat and fried based outlets. Or should or I say it made its way out to meet us! A pungent stench of fried food blanketed the surrounding area. A long queue waited to be fed and all around happy munchers sat stuffing their faces with McFried foodstuffs and additives. Even after moving on the odour lingered around the nasal passages of one and all.

Shopping Centre plea

A plea, a request on bended knee with a pretty please and a promise to be a good boy. Please, please stop playing Christmas songs in the shopping centres. Christmas is over, finished! That stores start early is a fact. But that they may not stop merchandising Christmas and its inane music all year, well frankly its a nighmare. How do the people who work in these stores retain their sanity?Just stop it! Now, isn't that better?

Friday, 1 January 2016

Memories of frost

The temperature is minus 11, the telephone kindly informs me that it actually feels like minus 18. Cold in other words. And the balcony glass is encrusted in the swirls and fern like pattern of a deep frost. This takes me back. For as a young lad such an image would not of been on the balcony glass. Reason? We had no balcony, bereft of balcony we were. The other fact is that the ice was inside. Inside on my bedroom window!
But you were born and raised in the West I hear voices oft repeat to me! Yes, but the house, being unaware of its position was lacking  in heating. Apart from an undersized and overworked gas fire in the front room. Is this a tale of woe and hardship? Hell no! Just a memory of what a beautiful thing it was to watch such patterns on the osmotic windows from the convenience of being under toasty blankets.

Best Fishes

The new year is here. Borne on a tide of sentiment and spirit. Best wishes, better best fishes. Fish endlessly supplied from a basket would be healthier and more practical. But no, we have sappy new year! False bonhomie and wealth and health for the year upon us! Oh well, best fishes:-)